Friday, June 20, 2008

God's Glamorous Girls...Opening Night

Opening Night!

Opening night for the God's Glamorous Girls womens conference at the Washington DC Convention Center was fantastic. There were several thousand women in attendance.

It's Finally Here...

Ladies, it's finally here, my first book, "How a Pastor's Wife Can Help or Hurt a Church." Now I know some of you must be thinking, "Great, but I'm not a Pastor's wife" or "I'm single." Well this book is FOR YOU too! Your life is about to be made so easy because I want everyone to experience God's best. You know I'm transparent and if you can take the lessons and wisdom that I have gained in life and apply them to yours - then look out world for the new PHENOMINAL GLAMOROUS WOMEN OF GOD! Now I'm going to talk about real things, like having the proper attitude, how's your self-esteem, dealing with offense and many other topics that help us to become the women God designed us to be. All I want is to be happy in life and I want YOU to be HAPPY too.

Love you girl, Dr. DeeDee